We are continuously updating our TeamSnap screening questions with the rapidly-evolving health guidance. To ensure the health and safety of all participants (children, parents, and volunteers) in our group programming, we will maintain the 10-day period of not attending group lessons post COVID infection or exposure. We are a non-essential recreational activity and the majority of participants are under the age of 11 and are not fully vaccinated. The updated questions, effective Thursday, January 13, 2022, can be viewed here. Please remember:
- Most importantly, if you are feeling unwell in any way, even non-COVID symptoms, do not attend group programming (lessons or events). Cross country skiing is a physically demanding sport done in harsh environmental conditions. Skiers should always be at their best to participate in group activities (feeling well, rested, fed, hydrated)
- It is imperative that every skier, coach, and helper/parent participating in any group programming or events complete the attendance record and screening questionnaire (Health Check) prior to each session using TeamSnap. This is essential for any of our programming to continue. Please don’t make more work for our volunteers by missing this mandatory step.
- Err on the side of caution for your own health and the health of others. Review the Guidance for Graduated Return to Play for Athletes on Cross Country Ski Ontario’s website.
- We recognize that upcoming classes and events may need to be cancelled due to exposures and isolation requirements. A class/event will be notified via TeamSnap. Volunteers are currently organizing activities to do on your own to encourage skiers to continue safely. If you are unable to participate in group lessons (i.e., isolating), do not ski independently during program times. Our lessons times occur:
- Tuesdays 6-8pm
- Wednesdays 6-8pm
- Thursdays 6-8pm
- Saturdays 10am-12:15pm, & 1-2pm
- Sundays 10am-12pm
Please consider that it is very challenging for your friends, volunteers, and coaches to operate any programming at all. Be kind, respectful, and honest when making decisions to attend or not attend. This is not easy to manage, and we are volunteers trying to make good things happen. We know you want to come, we want you to come, too, but we need to think of everyone.
Thanks to everyone for your ongoing willingness to continue programming despite the current challenges.