The SFNSC Race Organizing Committee would like to invite Soo Finnish Club members to participate in a practice race. It will be a mass start (groups of skiers released at the same time) in classic technique (no skate technique permitted). The purpose of this event is to give our skiers a chance to race locally, learn more about racing, and to help our volunteers prepare for hosting the Ontario University Athletics Championship in Nordic Skiing (Feb 20-23).
Date: Sunday, February 2, 2025 from 1pm-4pm – first group of racers start at 2pm
- 2 km: Kinsmen Lighted Loop
- 7 km: Kinsmen Lighted Loop + Crystal Creek Main
- This is not a closed course. Fat bike riders on the Crystal trail system are asked to ride with extreme caution. Please fully stop at each crossing, and adjust tire pressure if sinking in order to minimize race disruption and uphold course conditions. If possible, please consider riding outside the race times of 1-4pm.
- 2024-2025 SFNSC Club members only (membership may be purchased here)
- If a skier is unsure about participation, we recommend signing up on Zone4. If the skier chooses not to participate, the bib may be returned to the Race Office (blue clubhouse) and the skier will be listed as a DNS (Did Not Start).
- SFNSC ‘Jackrabbit’ program skiers are encouraged to participate; however, will not have coach support at this event. Parental supervision is necessary.
Registration and Fees:
- To participate, athletes must register by Friday, January 31 at 5:00pm on Zone4.
- There is no fee to participate in this practice race if you are a 2024-2025 SFNSC Club member.
- Club membership may be purchased on Zone4.
- Start lists will be posted on Zone4 and onsite Sunday morning.
- Please report any Did Not Starts (DNS) to Race Office (blue clubhouse) on Saturday morning.
Event Categories and Distances:
Classic Technique, Mass Start
Distance |
Suggested Age Category (YOB) |
2 km (1 X 2 km Kinsmen Lighted) | U8 (2017, 2018)
U10 (2015, 2016) U12 (2013, 2014) U14 (2011, 2012) U16 (2010, 2009) U18 (2008, 2007) U20 (2006, 2005) U23 (2004, 2003, 2002) Open |
7 km (1 X 2 km Kinsmen Lighted + 1 X 5 km Crystal Main) | U14 (2011, 2012)
U16 (2010, 2009) U18 (2008, 2007) U20 (2006, 2005) U23 (2004, 2003, 2002) Open |
* race starts at 2pm with the 2 km distance first, followed by the 7 km. Exact start times will be posted on Sunday morning.
Race Course Information:
- Start on ball field, finish at blue clubhouse
- 5 track chevron
- Three finish lanes tracked
Post-Race Refreshments: Cookies, hot grape, and water will be available for participants at the finish line (blue clubhouse area).
Wax Protocols:
- Waxing products with fluoro are not permitted.
- Please wax on your own (no team waxing available).
Bib Pick Up and Return:
- Bib pickup is in the blue clubhouse between 12:30pm and 2:00pm. Ensure you arrive at Hiawatha Highlands with enough time to pick up your bib and to do a warm up. Start line is at the ball field.
- Bib Return: please ensure bibs are returned at the finish line. There is a $75 fee for unreturned bibs.
- Results will be posted on Zone4 and soofinnishnordic.com.
On-Site Emergency Plan Overview
- First aid supplies are available in the blue clubhouse (767 Landslide Rd) and Hiawatha Highlands/Kinsmen chalet (780 Landslide Rd). An AED is located in the Hiawatha Highlands chalet.
- Inhalers, EpiPens, and other medications should be carried by athletes, parents or your club supporters in the stadium area, to be readily available in the event of an emergency.
- When calling EMS:
Soo Finnish Nordic Ski Club, Hiawatha Highlands, Kinsmen Park
769-780 Landslide Road, Sault Ste. Marie
Phone Number: 705-256-7258
- Address of Sault Area Hospital: 750 Great Northern Rd, Sault Ste Marie
Directions from Hiawatha Highlands to Sault Area Hospital:
Head South onto Landslide Road leaving Hiawatha Highlands.
Continue onto Fifth Line.
Turn South/left onto Highway 17.
Stay on Highway 17- Great Northern Road for approximately 3.5 km.
Turn Left onto Lukenda Drive into Hospital driveway; follow signs to Emergency.