Hiawatha Highlands currently has 2 full time groomers but would like to add a part-time groomer to the team this winter. If you are looking for a few hours a week and have some experience please apply to [email protected]
Job Description
- Position is part time and dependent on snow fall
- Grooming of ski trails using Piston Bully and snow machine
- Grooming to be done on a regular as needed basis
- Previous experience such as working with Piston Bully or Snow machine
- Heavy equipment training including joy stick technology
- Regular maintenance to be carried out on both the Piston Bully and (3)Snow machines
- Responsible for all maintenance accounts regarding equipment and gas
- Responsible for ordering of fuel and monitoring and reporting/ documenting consumption
- Responsible for maintaining log books for equipment
- Responsible for putting up and removing signage (fix and replace)
- Read and update everyone through daily logbook (Trail conditions, closures)
- Take daily pictures of the trails and update websites daily
- Must clear any purchases prior to purchasing
- Must work in a safe and responsible manner at all times
- Must be a cross country skier